AA Restoration Company
894 Walfred Road
Victoria , BC V9C 2P2
ph: 250-480-7999
Your mold removal experts for kitchens, bathrooms and basements
AA Restoration Company is specially trained and experienced in mold removal, so much so we were one of the first company's on Vancouver Island to be formly trained by leading experts and the main contributors to the Mold Remediation Standard S520 James Holland & John Banta of Restoration Consultants. We also follow closely the IICRC guidlelines for professional mold Remediation. We are experts in mold remediation of kitchens, bathrooms and basements. We have special processes for reducing vapour pressure in concrete, one of the leading sources of mold problems especially homes that are below grade. We have an excellant understanding of the building envelope from foundation to siding.
Understanding Mold Removal
Unfortunately with all of the available training in the industry many of our competitors still do not understand the basic principles behind mold remediation. You can trust our experience and understanding to see you through a mold removal project. To the right is a typical example of a poorly set up mold remediation.
Look to your right. See anything wrong ?
No containment, no plastic set up and the room is not pressurized by a negative air machine. In this situation millions of spores are released into unaffected areas of the home. Now clean contents are exposed to settled fungal fragnments and spores. This is called cross contamination which will raise spore counts and significantly affect the indoor air quality of the rest of your home. Many customers are concerned that mold will grow in other areas of the home. This is a misconception, Yes there is a potential for mold growth in other areas of the home, in most cases unlikely, and only under extreme circumstances. The BIGGER problem is what you don't see, increased spore counts in the building that have been released and will be drawn into the breathing pathways of the building occupants.
What is the objective of mold remediation.
1. Determine the source(s) of water activity.
2. Stop or reduce the source of water activity
3. Protect occupants and unaffected areas from increased exposure
4. Clean or remove contaminated materials and return the building to normal building ecology levels.
CALL AA Restoration Company to properly diagnose, source, solve and remove mold contamination in your home or business today.
What is the basic principle to mold removal/ remediation?
Clean Dry surfaces.
Is it possible to live in a mold free environment?
No. You are naturally exposed to mold everyday, the key is reducing the exposure level down to normal building ecology for your area. Unmittagated water damage or high humidity can increase exposure levels.
Will bleach, disinfectants, ozone solve or kill my mold problem?
No, these can be used to retard growth or be used in various phases of cleaning, however the main principle is removal of contamination. Dead spores and fungal fragments still carry mycotoxins and alergenic properties. Some companies place a huge emphasis on showing you the reduction in viable (living)spores, but unless you remove as many viable and non-viable spores your mold problem has not been solved.
Copyright 2012 AA Restoration Company. All rights reserved.
AA Restoration Company
894 Walfred Road
Victoria , BC V9C 2P2
ph: 250-480-7999